Thursday, January 30, 2025

Transitioning into Cambridge Portfolio Project

 From this post and onwards my blog posts will be centered around the development of my Cambridge final project. All the blog posts I have made up until this point helped me understand the different topics that will help understand the process of filmmaking, both in content and technicality. All of the research I have done up until this point will help my Cambridge project come together and I'll have hopefully made a successful film opening in the coming eight weeks that my partners and I will be working on it. In order to understand what was being asked of us for the project, we were introduced to different films openings and the importance of developing purpose within the opening.

When developing my film opening, I want to focus on developing context, background, and characters. I want to focus on creating a narrative that is told through the characters which can be developed through costume design, dialogue, and how the character interacts with their environment. Creating an opening focused on the character and the role they would play in the film can help develop their motivations and the plot of the film.