For this assignment, we were given the instructions to tell a story with fifteen shot types. The subjects of the photographs had to be inanimate objects, ensuring that we used the different angles and types of shots to convey a certain tone instead of relying on body language.
Using the information we had gathered we not only had to identify the different shots used, but also describe why we chose them and how they help tell the story with no expressions or dialogue.
For my project, my partner and I decided to create a story about characters, a pink eraser and a white eraser, who go on an adventure where they climb a large potted plant. As they ascend up the plant, the white eraser falls behind and begins to grow jealous of the pink eraser. The white eraser pushes the pink eraser off the plant in anger and luckily, the pink eraser survives. When setting up the shots, we had to make sure we showed the plant in a way that made it seem much larger than it actually was using different angles and framing it in a way that made the erasers appear smaller.
Overall, the final result is able to tell a clear and chronological story using only inanimate objects. To improve my work, however, I would make sure the shots had better lighting or play around with editing to use the lighting to better show the erasers actions and feelings. I would also have decided to take pictures outside, as a larger tree would have made the stakes seem higher and the perspective more easy to work with.
Camera Shots Quiz