Monday, December 9, 2024

Music Marketing

 The music marketing project began with doing research on an assigned genre of music. My group was assigned Alternative Indie, a genre made up of music that is outside the mainstream and is often distributed by independent labels. For the research portion of the project we had to select multiple artists that fit under the genre and research their brand, marketing style, and music. The artist I chose to research was Japanese Breakfast.

The band Japanese Breakfast is characterized by the use of soft and bright colors paired with the sad and vulnerable lyrics which showcased the hardships Michelle Zauner, the lead singer of the group, faced when dealing with grief after her mother's passing. The research I did on the artist and the band helped develop the group's brand which allowed us to understand the alternative indie genre.
For the second part of the project, we used the knowledge we had gathered from looking up individual artists under the genre to create our own artist to promote. We were told to create a brand for a fictional band including any marketing tactics used most often in the alt indie genre. Using this knowledge, my group and I came up with an independent artist named The Third Eye. We developed the kind of social media he would use and how he would present himself using what we knew about other artists and were able to come up with a "character" that represents a brand and market him as a new artist. We decided to go for a nostalgic theme, playing on the idea of love and connection both with the band name and the color scheme. The persona we need to promote had been fully developed using research from the other artists.

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