Thursday, February 6, 2025

Creating a Timeline

    One of the easiest ways for my group and I to keep track of what we need to do in order to finish our project on time is to create a timeline that breaks own all our tasks by week. With seven weeks left until the final project is due, following the timeline as closely as possible will be the only way to ensure we can complete it on time.

Week One (1/29-2/2)       

- Researching film openings

-Genre selection and research

Week Two (2/3-2/9)

-Develop plot (Beginning, Middle, End)

-Character Creation (Mise-en-scene)

    -Create mood board

    -Character motivations


-Create filming schedule

Week Three (2/10-2/16)

-Select filming location(s)

-Write script

-Begin filming (?)

Week Four (2/17-2/23)


-Record VO and Foley if needed

Week Five (2/24-3/2)

-Finish any filming

-Begin editing

Week Six (3/3-3/9)

-Finish editing

-Research and plan for CCR

-Create CCR

Week Seven (3/10-3/16)

-Edit and review CCR

Week Eight (3/17-3/25)

-Complete anything that bleeds over

    -Buffer Week

    I'm going to hopefully stick to this schedule as closely as possible and update it if any changes occur during planning or production. My time management is definitely something I need to work on so I'm going to follow the schedule as much as I'm able to to make sure my group and I are able to complete the project on schedule and do our best to focus on the quality with the time we have.

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