Monday, February 10, 2025

Group Meeting Reflection

Today in class we had group meetings. We met with people from other groups so that we could discuss our projects and give each other ideas. Being able to get an outsider's perspective on our project was really helpful because I was able to get advice from people who could listen to our ideas and give feedback and ask questions that helped us later develop the plot for out film. We shared our blog URLs and went through them, using the information we had posted on here as a guide while we explained our film idea. Since our idea still isn't really developed , my partner and I weren't able to get much feedback, but I did get some good questions we can keep in mind when we go to develop our project further later on.

"What are the character's motivations?/ Why did they make the bucket list?"

Jordyn makes the bucket list because she wants to make memories with her best friend Amelia that don't just revolve around their school life. She wants to create life time memories with Amelia that they can look back on after school and know they got to do something with their lives before they had to take on the responsibility of adulthood.

"What kinds of goals are going to be on the list?"

The goals will range from more typical bucket list items to something more dangerous, bending the rules to create memories. The goal is to make their senior year of Highschool memorable so their list will range until they eventually get too ambitious and get caught.

"How is the fourth wall break going to work?"

We want Jordyn to refer to the audience casually, turning to almost include them in the conversation in a way that is fun and lighthearted.

Since our idea is not entirely developed at this point, the people in our group didn't have that many questions or advice to help us work through our plot. Hopefully, as we develop the story more we'll be able to use the questions like the character motivation or the items on the bucket list, which I hadn't really put much thought into before, to aid us in creating the story. Someone in my group mentioned Malcom in the Middle, a sitcom in which the main character breaks the fourth wall constantly, addressing the audience in a way that is lighthearted and humorous, which is something our group might want to do for our film opening.

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