Friday, February 28, 2025

The Day Continues (and so does our filming)

 Yesterday we were successfully able to finish filming. After finishing at school, we drove to Lauren's house to use her bedroom for Jordyn and film our final scenes.

When we got there, her room was a lot more decorated than I expected and we only had to change a couple of things in order to make her bedroom look more like what we had in mind for Jordyn's room. I did feel a little bad since we didn't end up using most of the posters I had printed for her bedroom but at least we were overprepared and not under. After setting up, we got right to filming because we wanted to make sure we got the shot before the sun set at six. After we set everything up, we began filming our scene. At first we wanted to follow the storyboard and have Jordyn sitting at a desk with Amelia laying behind her, but because of the way the desk was set up and how bulky the desk chair was, I decided it'd be best to scrap that angle and have Jordyn sit on the bed next to Amelia. The shot is a bit less interesting, but it was the only way we could make the space work and have both of their faces be visible without the large chair back in the way.

Angle we started with

Angle we decided on

It was a last minute fix but we felt like it really changed the framing of the scene for the better, especially now that you can actually see Amelia. Overall I feel like today went really well and I'm so glad we finished filming because now we can move onto post production. I can already see the project coming together and I'm really excited to make and watch the final product of all our efforts.

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