Soo we started over...
We wanted to make sure we got filming done before next week so that we wouldn't fall more behind and decided today would be the best day to film everything. We were able to get Isabel (Amelia) back to help us reshoot some scenes, but Haley wasn't able to come back because she had something until late afterschool and we needed to be at our bedroom location before sundown so that we could have plenty of time to shoot Jordyn's bedroom scenes while we still had daylight; this meant that Hayley was out of the picture. Luckily, Mariana was feeling better and could take back her role as Jordyn. Unluckily, this meant that we would have to scrap everything we had done before and start over completely, which we were dreading.
Hallway BTS |
We weren't able to get back the same actors we had filmed yesterday but some underclassmen who were also in drama but weren't rehearsing for the school play were able to and willing to help us reshoot by being background actors. Since we had already filmed everything before, setting up the shots was a lot easier and there was less experimenting since we already knew what shot types and angles we liked from our previous attempt. This made filming go by much faster, and we felt a lot more confident about our scene framing and the choices we made. This time around, I also felt a lot more comfortable directing Elke as she was the cinematographer. We had decided before filming that Mariana would play our actress, Elke would film, and I would direct, splitting the work evenly and all of us playing our part to bring all of our visions to life. We weren't aware before we started filming, but the band was practicing in the room over, which made it difficult to get shots that were quiet and it also made it more difficult to concentrate. We decided that the best thing to do would be to dub over the voices and mute the video in order to get clean lines. This definitely makes it more difficult, but I honestly think it'll make our project better.
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