Monday, February 24, 2025

Creating our production logo

 ELMAI Productions 

Although a production company logo wasn't something required for the film opening, we wanted to personalize our project further and create a logo that reflected the tone of the opening and our own taste. To come up with the name, we combined the names of everyone in our group, (Elke, Mariana, and Isa) and used just the first two letters in an order than looked simple and easily memorable. At first, we had named our company ELMAIS productions, but I dropped the S so it would be less of a mouthful.

Initial Brainstorm
Since I'm the only one in our group with spare time and a background in art, I volunteered to design the logo. I came up with some super quick concept sketches just to brainstorm some ideas for a simple and "professional looking" design and then went into Canva and began playing around with the positioning and fonts that could work with the simple logo. I knew I wanted the logo to be animated in some way, so I wanted to keep the rest of the design simple so I could easily add the little star below ELMAI and not have it be something that is too overwhelming and cluttered.
At first, I wanted to keep the design super simple and have the fonts and colors be on the more neutral side. Again, I wanted to keep it professional and was scared it would look tacky if I added too much but I ended up with something that's uninspiring and honestly, a little boring. I know its just a short logo at the beginning of the film, but my group members agreed that if we were going to go through the trouble of making a production company logo we should go all the way. My partner Elke wanted to make the background blue and add stars so it would look like a shooting star, but I felt like it was too reminiscent of the Disney logo, so I dropped the star idea and went back to brainstorming.
New Ideas
 For the next couple of ideas, I went with a fish theme because I wanted to have something a little more designed than just the word ELMAI and a star. Honestly, I was listening to a Radiohead song about fishes and began doodling because I couldn't really come up with any other ideas. This ended up being the final brainstorming session, luckily, as my group and I found a design we really liked.

After tweaking the colors and font style a bit I ended up with something we all really liked. I'm still not sure if I want to animate the fish in the space between the words since I really like how simple it looks with just the bubbles, but I'm going to try it out and add it to this post if I end up really liking it. But, for now, this is our final product:

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