Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Day One of Filming?

Yesterday was supposed to be our first day of filming and although we got a lot done, it was unfortunately almost completely unusable. We felt that we were falling behind our schedule and wanted to make sure we had as much time as possible to film, edit, and complete our CCR so that we could ensure we'd have a project all three of us could be proud of. So when our lead actress Mariana got sick, we had no choice but to find a replacement pronto to try to keep our schedule from getting derailed anymore than it already had. Luckily, our member Elke had a friend who resembled our main character Jordyn, and we were able to have her help us at the very last moment. 
Filming BTS

Although Hayley had no prior acting experience, she did a great job at portraying Jordyn and was amazing despite being nervous. Apart from Hayley, our member Mariana had convinced her theater friends to help us by being background characters for our film, making the hallway look full. Everyone involved was extremely helpful and I'm so grateful we got to have so many people help us on our project. 

But that's where our issues arose. Since we had so many people who volunteered to stay after school to help, a lot of them couldn't stay for very long and we had to accommodate by filming scenes out of order so we could have all the shots where they were needed out of the way and people could start going home. Unfortunately, we made a huge continuity error which ended up costing us most of our footage. Today's plan was to put all the clips together and begin editing, but as we were doing that we realized that we should've thought it through more when we decided to film out of order and send everyone home.

Scene #2 : Empty Hallway

Scene #3 : Student Hallway

These scenes, which were supposed to be direct continuations of each other, had completely different backgrounds, one of those hallways was empty. This was an issue because most of our shots looked like scene #2, and an empty hallway made no sense narratively so we have to reshoot those scenes, which was all but #3. Getting people to help us again is going to be difficult, since we need to have actors in the background to refilm our shots and have it look continuous. Right now we're just trying to figure out when we're going to refilm everything, so hopefully we have a solution soon.

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