Friday, March 7, 2025

Editing Effects

Since our groupmate Elke was doing most of the editing process, when we met up yesterday we tried to figure everything out so that the process would be a lot easier for her. We spent a lot of our meeting yesterday looking for fonts that would fit the tone and aesthetic we were going for. Since it's a coming of age film with a more adventurous protagonist, we wanted the fonts used for the Title and credits to reflect that. After looking through the Adobe Fonts website, we found a couple that we felt would suit our film opening and the title, "18 Before 18".

Font we selected

With our fonts and sound selected and our clips edited, all that was left to do was for Elke to put it all together. She has been sending us updates and so far we all really like how the film is coming together. I would've liked for all of us to keep meeting up together to continue editing it, but with our schedules and the deadline coming up we figured it'd be easier if one person did it, so Elke volunteered to edit the film opening for us. Other than that, I really want to add some sort of edit to make the lighting a bit warmer since it feels too harsh and sterile in the school shots for the mood we want to create. Ideally, lighting would be completely in our control, but because we were filming at our school the best we can do is fix it in post production, since we cant change school lighting.

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