Thursday, March 6, 2025

Sound Editing Process

After countless delays we finally began editing our film opening. With only a couple of shots left to film of the school, our project has finally made it to post production. The first part of the process was to get all the clips and sort through all the takes. Since we filmed on my phone because I have the best quality, I was in charge of going through all the clips and finding the best takes before uploading them to one drive so my group partner Elke could begin to edit on Adobe Premiere.

After we had selected all of our clips, Elke arranged them in order of the storyboard and trimmed them so we could match the different cuts. With that done, we decided to meet up earlier today so that we could begin editing together. We spent most of our time looking for sound effects and sounds we could use for the film opening like the sound of the school bell or the background music because we ended up not getting clearance for the Inhaler song, "It Won't Always Be Like This". Since we couldn't use that song, we had to find another royalty free song that had the same tone we were originally going for. It was honestly a bit of a hassle to try to find another song last minute because we really wanted to make the Inhaler song work. After searching through Spotify for small artists we could possibly DM, we settled for this royalty free website and found a song we all really liked, "Right Now" by Nicolas Major.
With the song choice out of the way, we just had to look for a couple more sound effects before wrapping up the sound portion of the editing. Since most of the scenes were long, there weren't that many clips to edit together and the easy part of the process had been completed.

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